2nd B Cell Summer School

Monday, 7th July to Thursday, 10th July 2025

Lohr am Main, Germany

It is a pleasure to invite you to… 

…the second European B Cell Network (EBCnet) Summer School, which will take place from July 7–10, 2025, in Lohr am Main, Germany. It will bring together 30 advanced PhD students and postdoctoral researchers with leading experts in B-cell immunology. Organized by the European B Cell Network (EBCnet), the event aims to train the next generation of B cell scientists while fostering collaboration and strengthening connections between junior and senior researchers in the field.


Marion Espéli, (Inserm/ Université Paris Cité, France), Eva Piano Mortari (Bambino Gesù Children Hospital, Italy), Rudi Hendriks (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Kathrin de la Rosa (HZI/ MHH/ CiiM Hannover, Germany), Marta Rizzi (Universität Freiburg, Germany), Kai-Michael Toellner (Babraham’s Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Keynote lectures:

Joan Yuan (Lund University, Sweden), Anja Hauser (DRFZ, Germany), Mauro Gaya (CIML, France), Almudena Ramiro (CNIC, Spain), Antonio Lanzavecchia (INGM, Italy)


The B Cell Summer School is organized by members of the European B Cell Network (EBCnet), a research consortium within the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS, https://www.efis.org/efis/task-forces).

The School will provide an up-to-date educational journey through B cell immunology, new technologies, and topics beyond B cell biology for advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs interested in B CELL BIOLOGY.



The School will be held at the Hotel Franziskushöhe in Lohr/Main. Franziskushöhe is the place to be in the Spessart, a retreat with real character. Situated in the stunning natural landscape of the Spessart mountains, high above the town of Lohr am Main and surrounded by private parklands and forests, the 4-star Franziskushöhe Hotel is waiting for you, with variety, hospitality, and facilities unparalleled in the region. Be it dining in the Restaurant Franziskus, relaxing in the sauna or enjoying the many kilometers of trails that traverse the surrounding forests, this is your place for a flawless event, a successful conference, or just to take a well-deserved break.



The School will be open to young science professionals from research institutions, companies and academia. We primarily address advanced doctoral candidates, junior postdocs and researchers


Please apply online as soon as the registration starts.

The number of places is limited. The organizers will select 30 participants based on a letter of intent, the CV and the submitted abstract. You will be informed about acceptance after April 30.

Please also upload ONE PDF document containing  (1) a letter of motivation (max 1 page), (2) an abstract about your presentation (max. 250 words plus a title and your name) and (3) a short CV with a list of your publications and the names of two references with name, institution and e-mail (we do not need reference letters!)


You will be asked to pay the registration fee and book the hotel rooms upon acceptance. We will inform you about the registration procedure and the transfer of the payments after April 30.

Registration fee : Euro 380 for academic and non-profit research institutions and Euro 600 for industry (includes all meals, seminar room charges, coffee breaks and evening activities)

Room (single): Euro 396 (4 nights in a single room, including breakfast)

Programm EBCnet school 2025

The School will be held from Monday July 7 to Thursday July 10, 2025. The application deadline will be in April.

Registration will start on Monday after 2 pm. There will be 3 lectures and a keynote event in the evening. Guest lectures, presentations by participants and all other activities will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. We will have a social event on Wednesday night. Departure will be on Thursday after lunch.

PICTURE: Organizers of the 1st B cell summer school (from left to right) Kai-Michael Toellner, Marion Espéli, Rudi Hendriks, Rita Carsetti, Marta Rizzi, Hans-Martin Jäck



Submit your application by March 24, including your contact information, an abstract summarizing your research project, a motivation letter, and a CV.

The results of your application will be communicated within two weeks after the application deadline.

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